Venn Diagram
What a difference a day makes. I was so down, for various reasons, at the beginning of this week. I wrote about it in blog form and then in poem which apparently helped tremendously. The very next day I awoke and all was well with my internal world once again. AND even though it was my dad's birthday and I didn't get to see or speak to him (because he and my mother went away for their birthdays) I still had fabulous day that became an even better week. OH and you know the week was long, tedious, frustrating and tough BUT it was still better than when you're disappointed with others and wonder why you bother to care.
If I was forced to compare Sunday with Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or today) in a Venn diagram the only part that would be common is that I was alive on those days. Everything else was completely different. It's amazing what little changes in one's environment or the people you surround yourself with can make.
Have a fab Friday everyone!
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