Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby & Other Updates

Well, I've been swamped as so many people are with goings on in the last month of the here goes as well as I can remember:

1. Was elected to be the Middle School Representative to the STA's (my union) Executive Board and went to first meeting at the beginning of the month.
2. Was only one of two teachers to help organize data and come up with solutions for the Leadership Team at school to look at for our Single Plan. (Every school has to write one thanks to governmental oversight.)
3. Chaperoned the Seventh Grade Dance. THE KIDS WERE SOOOOOO CUTE!!!
4. Went to see a play, up in the foothills, with my parents and a friend of theirs (who turned out to be really cool) and started spotting. Not as scary as last time but this time it lasted a whole week and was gelatinous at times. SO I made a new appointment to see the doctor...two weeks before next check up AND LO AND BEHOLD~the day before the appointment (I had to get sub and call in a sick day) the spotting STOPPED!!!
5. Dr. said baby's heartbeat was wonderfully strong. As we listened I could not be more surprised at it's rapidity. Doc counted and was 172 bpm which is good for now. Will slow later I'm told. Dr. said all my labs from before were clean, I am negative for cystic fibrosis (which means automatically baby is too) and also said not to worry re spotting. At this point and with this heartbeat I will not miscarry from spotting. I was strangely not concerned this time. MY FAMILY ON THE OTHER HAND NEEDED THE REASSURANCE. So it was nice to give it to them.
6. Went to see the kids (8 out of 10 nieces and nephews) in the school winter program. I had a ball of course. Not too bad that it was preceded by the tamale night fundraising dinner and my family wouldn't let me pay.
7. Had a FABULOUS time at Joe & Liz's holiday gathering!!! I hadn't laughed so much in I can't remember how long.
8. Had another FABULOUS time at Ann Samuelson's holiday gathering the very next day.
9. Shanda spent a weekend with me and we went to the movies. Her treat. BEING PREGNANT IS GREAT!!!! People are sooooooooooo generous! ;-)
10. I cleaned the entire house...very carefully....and decorated for the Family Progressive. It turned out Carin & Karie forgot which date and weren't ready for their house to be seen so I did both appetizers and salads. I was really good and didn't overdo it with the food. We all were better about that this year.
11. Of course helped Mom and Dad out before Christmas Eve with the office's calendars.
12. 6277 texted me on the 23rd that he's done thinking and is happy I'm pregnant. In case you were wondering, he's the dad of baby.
13. Saw Baby's BioDad for first time in two months on the 24th before he went to work. For two people who are claustrophobic and not into cuddling because of it all we did was hold each other for the whole hour....ah the irony....and bliss! :-)
13. Then helped out Christmas Eve with dinner. So GREAT to see most of my favorite cousins and their kids.
14. Spent Christmas Day & Afternoon touring siblings' houses, passing out Christmas books to nephews & nieces and seeing what everyone got from Santa.
15. Been taking it easy the rest of the week but am now off to Sac to pick up friend from airport. Poor Shawn. His grandmother passed away and he had to fly home to Chicago on Christmas to attend funeral a few days later. SOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD.
16. Won money playing poker at Jeanine's. Decided to split the pot with Anna Chase since by that time the two of us just kept going back and forth over who was in first.
17. Going to babysit Robbie, Carina and Lelan while Jen and Todd go celebrate their anniversary.
18. OH YEAH almost forgot: Got a due date, finally: July 17, 2007. Which is the same day my parents met, so you can bet that for once they're hoping the baby will actually be born on it's due date. Me too...although I wouldn't mind ten days earlier. 07-07-07 HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?????

HAPPY NEW YEAR>>>>Be back, I hope, before my birthday.


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