Sunday, October 15, 2006

My answers to Jeff's "Raskal" survey and Jeanine's ABC quiz

My answers to Jeff's "Raskal" survey
---NINE Last Things You Did---
1. last place you were: Duck Nook eating huevos rancheros.
2. last hug: Shawn
3. last beverage: Coffee (was there any doubt?)
4. last movie watched: "Akeelah and the Bee" showed it in class for last day before our fall break.
5. last phone call: My sister, Jennifer, telling me that she and her husband and the two oldest kids couldn't come to closing night of the play.
6. last cd played: A mix cd that Shawn made.
7. last bubble bath: August 30th.
8. last time you cried: Yesterday...onstage...two tears.
9. last alcohol drink: Too much vodka, opening night party.
---EIGHT Have You Ever Questions---
1. have you ever dated someone twice: No
2. have you ever been cheated on: No
3. have you ever kissed someone: DUH....I should damn well hope so at my age. Yes.
4. have you ever kissed someone you regret: NEVER. Don't believe in regrets
5. have you ever fallen in love:Often
6. have you ever lost someone: Unfortunately yes
7. have you ever been depressed: Again unfortunately yes but I try not to inflict my strong emotions on problems, I better handle them.
8. have you ever been drunk and thrown up: I have been drunk many times and NEVER thrown up because of it. I did once pull a cigarrette out of a friend's hand and smoked the rest of it and THAT made me puke.
---SEVEN Politics Questions---
1. Sex before marriage? From 1-18 I didn't believe in it ...after 18 I changed my mind.....and didn't have sex until I was 2 months away from 22nd birthday btw. Was married at 28 so you do the math.
2. Gay Marriage?: My sister, Carin, is a lesbian and I was a proud bridesmaid in her committment ceremony to her partner, Karie, ten years ago. YOU BETTER BELIEVE I THINK THEY DESERVE THE SAME LEGAL RIGHTS TO MARRIAGE AS I DO!!!! The law forbidding it is STUPID in the extreme.
3. Lowering the drinking age? Sure if the government is willing to pick up the tab on more drunken and disorderly behavior.
4. 9/11? Too many conspiracy theories in my brain on this one. Especially upsetting that innocent people all over the world have died for religious and political intolerance because of it.
5. Abortion? I will never have to make the choice of someone facing an abortion so I believe that it should remain legal. I can't put myself in the position to say no to someone else since I don't know how or what they are going through to get to this point. I wish we had access to the after sex pill (RU 486) which eliminates any recently (24-48 hour period I think?) fertilized egg because then we'd have less chance of people using abortions as birth control.
6. Death Penalty? Morally I have a problem with it but I understand that we put down "rabid" dogs and that there are humans that are born without a conscience who perhaps also deserve due to the nature of their crimes to be "put down" as well. I just know that our legal system is still so flawed that many innocent people are actually imprisoned and if even one of them is put to death by the state then we as a society are just as equally guilty in not valuing life.
7. Gun Control? I believe that people have the right to bear arms but that just like everything else they should be licensed, have to pass tests, etc. WE EXPECT IT OF DRIVERS WHY NOT SHOOTERS?
---SIX Random Questions---
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? Yes, but they left the inviting of people up to my brother, David, and my friend, Shawn. NEITHER OF WHOM asked anyone to come until the last second. So it was something of a miserable disaster. My poor sisters tried. They just had no idea how clueless David and Shawn are when it comes to stuff like that.
2. Are you easily excited? Depends on what you mean by excitement.
3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? My week off of vacation. I can SLEEP IN if I want to. Right now that's about all I can get excited about. I'M EXHAUSTED!!!!
4. Which of your friends gets you the most excited? Again, what do you mean by excited? If you mean sexually, then it'd be Matt.
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? "I better call a financial planner now!"
6. If you could have anything right now, what would it be? A week's vacation on a warm beach somewhere with LOADS of money to spend after the vacation was over.-
--FIVE People You Can Tell Anything To---
1) Joe
2) Christyn
3) Jennie
4) Shawn
5) AND ALWAYS; Shanda!
---FOUR Places You Want To Travel To---
1. The UK
2. China
3. Egypt
4. Alaska
---THREE Favorite Colors---
1. Forest Green
2. Fire Engine Red
3. Bronze
---TWO Things You Want To Do Before You Die---
1. Have a baby, and raise that child to be open minded, creative and independent.
2. Write a book.
---ONE Last List of Questions---
So Far in '06, Have you:
-been to school: Yes, massage school. I'm now certified.
-made a new friend: Yes, many. Myspace has been very good to me.
-laughed until you cried: Always. Worse is that I laugh until I start to cough. Then I can't laugh at all....just convulse.
-went behind your parents back: I have a good relationship with my parents BECAUSE I'M AN ADULT!!! So no.
-cried over an ex: Not over an ex-husband, nor ex-lover but yes after some ex-friends who I miss but realize that we no longer believe the same things and that closeness can be lost.
-disappointed someone close: No but unfortunately lately been on the opposite end and been disappointed in someone close.
-pretended to be happy: Any time I'm in a karaoke bar. Sort of kidding.
-kept your new years resolution: I don't believe in them. I've never made a resolution at the beginning of the year. Maybe because I believe that when you want to change your will, regardless of time. Also, I'm a New Year's baby (the 2nd of Jan.) so I make WISHES at that time of year. Usually for others not myself....more likely to come true that way.
-forgot your new years resolution: see above
-met someone who changed your life: I am fortunate enough to say that this year I've met MANY people who have changed my life.
-changed your outlook on life? No. More like had it crystallized down to it's essence.
-left the state: Yes went to Hawaii with the family in June, and to a representative assembly for the National Educators' Association in Florida in July.
-lost someone:Thankfully not this year. I hope that lasts.
-gotten close to someone: Very much so.
-streaked: Not unless you count running around backstage to get to your next costume and your next entrance.
-given up something important to you: Yes and it was worth it.
-found out who your true friends were: Yes and they're all pretty damned special.

My answers to Jeanine's ABC's Current mood: bouncy
A is for age: "Old enough to know better. Young enough not to care." 40...don't you read the profile?
B is for beer of choice: BLECH!!! Don't do beer.
C is for career:I have two. Teaching and massage therapist.
D is for favorite Drink: Sperm. JOKE!!!! all the freaks on the internet will come out of the woodwork to meet me.
E is for essential item you use everyday: Car keys.
F is for favorite song at the moment: It's a classical guitar piece. Don't know the title.
G is for favorite games: Guess the hand.
H is for hometown: Stockton, CA
I is for instrument you play: Use to play piano as kid and clarinet as teen but can't play anything but the skin flute as an adult.
J is for favorite juice: Grapefruit.
K is for kids:Why I'm divorced. My husband stopped wanting kids and then stopped wanting unfortunately none of my own. I currently have 95 of other peoples' kids. My students are the best!!! Every year I'm blessed with fabulous kids....I just don't get to keep them.
L is for last kiss: Real kiss: Matt Stage kiss: Jeremy S.
M is for marriage: I believe in the institution for others.
N is for name of your best friends: Christyn, Shanda, Shawn, Joe, Liz, Jeanine, Tony
O is for overnight hospital stays: Never had one. SURPRISING HUH? Y'all thought I was such a klutz that I must have my own private room.
P is for phobias: Don't have one. I don't particularly care to witness decapitation but it's not a phobia.
Q is for quote: "Up the British and down with the enemy!" Black Comedy's motto. But my favorite was my own set of lines: "I never saw you at all. How could you be walked out on? You should live in the dark Brindsley. It's your natural element." and "It means you don't want to be seen. Why is that Brindsley? Are you afraid that if someone really saw you they would never love you?" My favorite quote at any given time is usually one of my lines from a current or recent show.
R is for biggest regret: Experiences are for the having. So why regret a thing. I don't have any and I don't believe I ever will. Mistakes yes...regrets NEVER!
S is for self confidence: Currently....better believe it.
T is for time you wake up: Physically 6-7 but mentally 10
U is for your underwear: flesh tone. OH unless you mean bra...because I'm so big God knows I have to wear one. I prefer two styles...they only come in black, white and beige. I'D LOVE A RED ONE....sigh.
V is for vegetable you love: I love them all. Asparagus or broccolli if I HAD to choose.
W is for worst habit: Closing myself off to opportunities with other men when I crush on one.
X is for X-Men: I LOVE Wolverine!!! I have since the cartoon came out. Jaye said that I'm Jean Grey a loooooooooooong time ago....until current movie came out I was not happy about that. I always thought I was more Rogue (can't be touched>>yeah, lot's of under-the-surface, subtext there) but after seeing X3 I'd have to say I am Jean...and I've learned to love I guess her too.
Y is for yummy food you make: Christie's Cilantro Chicken
Z is for zodiac sign: My ancient Greek one is Capricorn, my Chinese is Serpent and I have no idea what my Vedic one is.


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