Friday, February 16, 2007

Miscellanea....mostly baby stuff

Lots of flotsam and jetsam in my head. Here goes:

  • So the taxes are done. So simple online.
  • February is drawing to a quick close and the one good thing about global warming is that I won't have to freeze in a house with a broken heater anymore.
  • Baby is doing beautifully. S/he passed the amnio tests with flying colors. In other words, there are no chromosomal defects of any kind. Which means I get to warp the child in the traditional way: through parenting.
  • The head looked huge in last ultrasound and still twenty weeks to go (after Tues., Feb. 20) The term ouch is already coming to mind.
  • Due date was pushed back to original date which is July 10, 2007.
  • My refusal to learn gender of the baby was called, "Old School Pregnancy" by one of my students.
  • Going to Kauai with parents on first week of my spring break. I can't wait for April!!!!
  • Felt the baby kick for three, rhythmic bubble popping times on way to work last Friday. However, s/he has been remarkably silent since then...sigh.
  • Got my hospital stuff on last dr. visit on the 12th.
  • Registered after amnio on Jan. 31st. My sisters were a blast to hang out with that day!!!!
  • I had a great Valentine's day with my parents after attending a union meeting.
  • My "job" as an Exec. Board member has been eye-opening.
  • We're well under way with Science Fair projects and as if Christyn and I didn't have enough to do we decided to take on doing a yearbook (for the first time ever at our school) too. We're certifiable! Probably why the kids like us so much.
  • Actually created a myspace account for students. I really didn't want them reading my "adult" one because of personal content.
  • FINALLY DECIDED TO UPDATE BLOGS....even though I'm the only one who reads me anymore....giggle.
  • Have had really interesting texting conversations with Matt, and Joe recently.
  • Found out I can still massage people. Jeanine ordered one last week.
  • Found out I can still dance....which I must admit was a little scary since I have not attempted to do anything that strenuous since I tore the ligaments in my ankle. I was pulled out of the audience at an assembly yesterday to dance with the conductor of the Cesar Chavez High School Jazz Band. It was fun!!!!! And I didn't break or tear anything! YAY!!!!

And on that note I'm going to "trip the light fantastic" out of here!

Take care one and all!!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

February Fests

Happy Birthday
to my sister,
to my friend,
and to my aunts,
Ellie and Flo.

Happy Groundhog's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Black History Month to you all!!!
Oh yeah and that funky, amateur's hour holiday too.....Valentine's Day....Hope it's a good one.