What in the world?
Not feeling rested when I awoke all week led to a series of surreal dreams last night. Part of the Jersey Shore cast were some of my 8th graders. Since some of the class' books were not covered they were put into Category 1 from Torchwood's Miracle Day mini-series. Then we were being observed on one side of a room, not the one I currently occupy, while others were just hanging out and hugging on another side of the room. Then I went down a long hallway met a scientist who helped me and my ex-husband take a tulip bulb and put it in a solution while pumping it with extra water. It was supposed to then sprout early but the bulb had been a female creature, not quite animal/insect but somewhere in between. Now we were wondering what the new creature would be when adding the tulip part to it. So my ex (who in reality I haven't seen in years) went to go lie down in a geodesic dome that on the inside looked like my first apartment.
Note to self: No more toast before bedtime.