Monday, August 08, 2005


About touch~ there are many aspects to it. So here's a thank you to just some of those people that touch me.

Thank you Annie! You touch my mind with your thoughts on politics and social issues. It is so enjoyable to read words that are passionate about the writer's cause(s). I thank you also for introducing me to Progressive Pete.

Thank you Illimitable Voices! Your poetry touches my heart in a way that I still cannot describe. I'm not usually at such a loss for words. Luckily you never appear to have that problem. May you continue to create!

Thank you Wendy! You touch my soul. Every time I read your blog there is always something fascinating to look at. More importanly I find your honesty to be not only refreshing but empowering. Your words make me laugh, cry, go "aw", hurt for you, sigh, feel irate on your behalf, well...basically the full range of emotions. It feels like a present everytime I open your blog because I don't know what it will contain that day. You are truly a special individual!!!!

To all of you: I'm almost sad on days that there is nothing there for me to read. Thank you for touching my life!


Blogger MezzoDragon said...

If I've learned one thing in the last year it's that the hardest person to be strong for is yourself. It's easy to take on another's problems, because in so doing you take the focus off of your own. We (because I am queen of the codependants) need to realize that using all of our strength to hold others does no good if the moment we are alone we fall apart.

On a brighter note, I was very impressed by your monologue the other night. (I think Joe might have had a line. . . eh, it doesn't matter) It was very evocative and if you keep it up, who knows? Maybe you'll be attending next years Elly's. And the Theater is Beautiful!

9:03 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Thank you for your kind words. I thought you were great last night! Hope you are feeling good about where you are with Germaine. I will see you tonight for round two...

9:38 AM  
Blogger Cjristina said...

I love Germaine! Thanks for liking the way I play her. Everything she says I can relate to. She is a much smarter version of me. She knows how to say no and is actually able to tell the person why. She knows what's good for herself, what's good for others and she doesn't judge. I aspire to be a Germaine in real life some day.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Thank you Cjristina, truly. Most of the time, I feel very 'misunderstood', and here I sit behind a screen just being me, and yet ... you're ok with that. You have NO idea how refreshing that feeling is. It IS hard to be strong for yourself. It's always easier to tend someone else's garden, so to speak, rather than your own because you can look out over someone else's 'weeds' and pluck the easiest to reach, yet sometimes when you look out over your own garden, the weeds sometimes seem so vast that you feel you could never pluck them all in a timely enough manner - therefore, it's easier to go back next door to help out and ignore your own weeds. Does that make sense?? You sound like such a wonderful person with an exciting, energized life. Your blog is always fun for me too. I must admit, I'm not very good at guessing art!! Enjoy!

5:21 PM  

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