Saturday, November 18, 2006

One of My Dreams Come True

Chalk up another tally in the column of "Why this is my favorite year of life!" column~

I'm pregnant!!!!!

I found out on Wednesday, November 8, 2006. The baby will be due in July, 2007. Coincidentally I already had an ob/gyn appointment for the end of this month. I decided to not try for sooner (although I'm sure they would've fit me in) since I had made that appointment in October and knew that that was the soonest I could get in in the afternoon. I'd just as soon hold onto my sick days for as long as possible.

My sperm donor knows, my family and closest friends know, some co-workers and as of Thursday, November 16, 2006 all of my students know. I have had such amazingly positive responses that I feel doubly blessed. One blessing to finally have a dream come true and the other to have so many in my life support that dream!!!!

I feel healthy (no morning sickness) and exceptionally calm! Emotionally I feel at peace in a way I never have before. Very Zen.

Anyway, blessings to all and may you have a dream come true this year as well!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I managed to slam my finger into Shanda's car door and the door locked in place. I had to "rip" (think jarring wrench with flesh being torn) my finger out of the door as Shanda had already gone inside with the keys. Jenna tried to help me open the door but it was "no can do." So it was: BREATHE, PULL and RUN inside to put into cold ice water to slow the swelling. Mind you the blood that was dripping into the glass from the torn section made the water look like a Jackson Pollock version of a cocktail for Halloween.

It took me two weeks after tearing the ligaments in my ankle (and straining one on the outside of my finally confirmed that) to take a pain pill. It took less than five minutes after finger injury to ask Jenna to get me the last of the prescription strenghth stuff. I couldn't open the little bottle as it was the index finger of my right hand. AND YEAH, I'm right handed. Darn.

All's well now. It's healing slowly but surely. However, I'm going to have a gnarly scar. It looks like all those maps of the Nile River you had to study in social studies as a kid. Which makes it REALLY "tight" to show to my seventh grade students. Tee hee.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Wishes

Happy Birthday~
Lelan Scott Burgher
Jason Scott "Animal" Feilzer
Wendy of Wendy's Wonderful World

Happy Anniversary Larry and Susan Borges!
Get Out and VOTE
and I quote my nephew, Dalin,
"If you think like us."
Peaceful Veteran's Day!
Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!!!