Friday, March 31, 2006

Getting a Jump on April Celebrations

Happy Birthday to my nieces: Adia, Jessie and Haley who turn five on the tenth! (Gotta love much extra cake!)
Happy Birthday to my Uncle Don!
Happy Birthday to my cousin, Ted!
Happy Birthday to my friend, Joe!

Happy Sixteenth Anniversary Ted and Yvonne!
Happy Twelfth Anniversary David and Rae Ann!

Have a Fabulous Passover!
or a
Happy Easter!
or a
Happy Cambodian New Year!
or a
Great April Fool's Day!

or all of the above. ;-)

Belated Birthday Greeting

Happy Birthday to Cyndie Menard and Jean Michael. Two lovely ladies whose birthdays I have recently learned are also in March!!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Me Trivia

1. I have never played an organized sport of any kind outside of P. E.
2. I am "double-jointed" in both arms.
3. I have a bunion on the right foot that gets worse every year. I may eventually need surgery.
4. I HATE, ABHOR, & LOATHE slugs.
5. I was a Homecoming Princess in high school.
6. I was very much in love (unrequited alas) with one guy and had serious crushes (after he transferred) on two other guys (who just happened to be his best friends) in high school. AND strangely enough when all three chose to buy their first houses in town~~THEY PICKED MY MOTHER AS THEIR REAL ESTATE AGENT....freaky.
7. My mother was also the first agent for the second guy I had a crush on in elementary school.
8. I have never been called hot but I have been called slammable. ;-)
9. I have had to hear on numerous occasions how hot the members of my family are. (They are but it gets hard to hear sometimes.)
10. I have only had surgery in my mouth. I had only two wisdom teeth (my surgeon said I was evolutionarily superior) and they had to come out when they became impacted (so much for evolution.)
11. I broke my left arm which cut me off cold turkey from sucking my thumb to sleep.
12. I like romance novels because they always have happy endings. Which is highly ironic since I don't believe in happy endings for my own love life in the real world.
13. Snuggling makes me claustrophobic.
14. I was tall when that song "Short People" came out and now I'm the short person. I got passed up after sixth grade.
15. I think too much.
16. I only sob uncontrollably when I'm angry.
17. My favorite pms food is McDonald's french fries and anything chocolate. Otherwise, I find both almost repulsive.
18. I stick things in my ears to massage them.
19. I won $4000 on Father's Day in Lake Tahoe on a slot machine. I usually break even or lose what little money I bring.
20. I am easily hurt by jokes at my expense but I always put on a facade that I'm not. In fact I end up trying to top the person laughing at me by being more verbally brutal about myself.
21. I am ticklish. So much so that I cannot control my responses. People have been seriously injured by flying legs when they try to get me.
22. I had the chicken pox as an adult.
23. I've never had a boyfriend.
24. I can count the number of dates I've been on on one hand.
25. I hate to shop unless it's gifts for other people. Then I can spend hours in a store.
26. The only stores I like to browse/window shop in are hardware/home stores, i.e. OSH, Home Depot, etc. and bookstores.
27. I was bilingual when I was two.
28. I'm not bilingual now.
29. My mother always wants to set me up with the world....but she just stops short of embarassing me.
30. My nephew is following in my mother's footsteps. He tried to set me up with his best friend's dad. WASN'T HAPPENING.
31. I have never skiied; water or snow.
32. I won a story writing contest when I was in second grade.
33. I would love to be a "seat-warmer" at the Academy Awards.
34. I would love to attend both the Winter and Summer Olympics some year.
35. I HATE, ABHOR AND LOATHE smoking but most (not all) of the adults I've surrounded myself with have smoked at one time.
36. I don't like cereal, melons, liver or sausage. Pretty much everything else under the sun I'll eat.
37. I love "teen" flicks. Truly a guilty pleasure.
38. I would love if just once someone did something dopily romantic (like out of a stupid teen flick) for me.
39. I have never been to Washington, D.C. which I hope to rectify soon.
40. I can walk and read a book at the same time. However, when not reading a book, walking is hazardous to my health. So is standing, sitting and lying down.


Happy Birthday Carmen! I had no idea that her birthday was this month. Tom, our director and friend, bought a cake and we surprised her with a very off key rendition of the traditional song. Rehearsals are a blast!!!! I'm enjoying this cast sooooooooo much!!! So light and airy. Just what I need to bounce into spring.

Monday, March 20, 2006

To Squander or To Surrender to the Inevitable?

I haven't quite made it away from the computer. I started re-reading some of my previous posts. I'm rather impressed with myself....and that rarely happens. I take writing for granted. I should be more active with it and realize that it truly is a gift and not squander it. Plus, I miss this. I think it's part of the reason I've been down lately. Hard to sustain happiness when you're not venting your least somewhere. I should make more of an effort to get home in time to write. For myself....and for anyone who wants to know me better since I am AWFUL at sharing my feelings but am like both a thief and a talk show host in getting others to open up about theirs. Maybe I should surrender to this ability and allow it free rein? Hmmmmmmmm. The possibilities. Now that's a happy dream, sweet dream!

Good night!


By the way, I tried to update the blog during the month of February. When my parents were in Mexico and I was house-sitting I tried but none of the posts ever published nor were they saved in draft form AND I don't know why. I'll blame it on the Olympics. I was very busy watching them. Then I got busy with REPORT CARDS and right before that I started rehearsals for the play, "Vanities." (Jeanine's debut as a director.)

Anyway, sorry that I've been gone. I haven't even had time to turn on my computer. Why I'm shopping around for a laptop and then a wireless company so that I can actually access others' blogs (I MISS WENDY'S THE MOST!!!), write something of my own that is not work related, and generally surf the net for useless my horoscope.

Of course, I've also been busy preparing for next school year because I'm going back to seventh the teacher. AND we still don't have a contract so I've been one busy site rep. Our union did vote overwhelmingly in favor of a strike authorization vote. So now that we're finally out of mediation if the last and final offer during fact-finding is rejected the Executive Board can call the time and date of a strike. Hopefully, the district will wise up as there are three unions that are in alliance and they cover the teachers, the aides, the secretaries, the account clerks, the program specialists, the cafeteria workers, the custodians, the busdrivers....DUH can't really run a school district without us. They don't have enough subs for when people are out sick, or in training, or out for a personal issue as it is...who do they actually think will be able to take care of the children and the facilities if the majority of us walk? Sad but the bosses are not thinking ahead. Ah well, time will tell.

I'm currently rehearsing a new play, "Situation Comedy", as "Vanities" opened on the weekend. I got to spend time with my oldest nephew, Robbie and I'll post about that later. Hopefully, even add in the video (from new vid/camera cell phone) of his first ever acting part. He took after me and auditioned for the character role...SUCH A SMART BOY!!! ;-) He's also taking golf lessons from the ever talented and always on, Joe Smith. So I'm getting to see both of them in a new light. Always fun to see people you love and think you know so well and to find out completely new things.

People in general are fascinating! It's been a rough couple of months. Some really sad news for others that I care about, some just plain everyday stresses, weather that needs to quit and get on with spring, and some truly down moments .... just because? Or maybe to remind me that even in the presence of drama there is always hope.

I saw a double, full arcing rainbow....twice in two days. So with that I'm off to bed. Thinking of how natural phenomena can remind us that everything, especially simple things we take for granted, are beautiful!

Sleep well.

Oh and something my sisters you to say that drove me absolutely, fricking nuts as a teen but which I find endearing now (go figure)~~~~
Happy Dreams! Sweet Dreams!

March 2006

I know absolutely NO ONE with an anniversary in March. VERY STRANGE. And, even more strange I know only two special guys who were born in this blustery month: Happy Birthday Steve and Happy Birthday Tony! I met both in my thirties. Who knew that I'd have to wait that long to have birthdays to celebrate this month?