I'm Back
For those of you who remember me....I'm so sorry that life just had a way of taking over. I was cast as the lead in Bell, Book and Candle and I ended up being the set designer/decorator too. So I have been running constantly. I ended up getting sick again because of sheer exhaustion. So here's a quick recap of what's been going on:
1. I'm up and well and even being mistaken for a sixth grade student (instead of the teacher) at work. It's because I'm short, although, the two teachers who made the mistake said it was because I'm so much thinner than before that they didn't recognize me from behind. I have a tendency to dress casually on yard duty weeks. I think it was the jeans and the short stature but the compliment was nice.
2. On the subject of weight: I made it to the top of my Curves' Looser Board. I was the number one loser of inches and pounds in the month of September so I won a t-shirt! It was cool! My Assistant Principal at work wants to borrow my diet book. The head secretary of my school, Kim Marlowe, has said that I'm her inspiration to keep working out. That's been seconded by my sisters and another teacher at school. I've only bought two new pairs of pants (in late September) and they're both already baggy. Sigh. I don't like spending money on clothes. If I had oodles of cash it wouldn't be a problem. I am also waiting for a complete weather change. No reason to buy warm weather gear when it'll be so much colder soon. I did take in a short sleeved sweater eight inches so maybe I'll just get all my clothes altered. I'm a little too lazy to do it myself.
3. The opening weekends of the show went well. The only low spot was that we had to cancel last Friday for lack of tickets sold. Luckily on days we did perform, I was able to see some "regulars" from Smiler's and Kiley's old days of existence and to see some old acquaintances as well. Hopefully, more friends and family will be able to come in the ensuing weeks. It's a really long run so everyone should be able to make it.
4. I have been phone banking on the behalf of Alliance for a Better California. Members of CTA (California Teachers Association) and firefighters, nurses and police officers make up the Alliance. We are trying to have people vote no on propositions 74, 75, and 76. Tomorrow, I'll be protesting a $25,000/plate dinner fundraiser that is being given for our governor at the local residence of one of our wealthiest citizens. The governor would like to silence firefighters, nurses, police officers and educators with his propositions in his special November election that is going to cost the taxpayers millions of dollars to have. Of course, we can't afford $25,000 to have dinner and have our views heard so we'll be marching and chanting and hopefully, getting others to see why the Governator (not so affectionate term for Mr. Schwarzenegger) is wrong!
SIDE NOTE~Don't like politics? Don't read this blog. My mother was the first woman in this county to run for a state political office. Twice. Luckily she lost because then she went into real estate and was exceptionally successful!!!! I usually keep my political and religious views to myself because others don't....ever. I have to hear about it every time I turn around. Also, to me religion and politics~WHICH SHOULD FOREVER BE KEPT SEPARATE~ are very personal issues. I don't see how people can espouse one thing and do the opposite. Nevertheless, when it comes to writing all bets are off. Since this is my blog I can and will write what I want.
5. My mom won $6000 at the Jackson Rancheria last night. I got to see the winning slot machine. My mom is extremely lucky. We were up at the Rancheria to celebrate my parents' birthdays. (Oct. 3-Dad and Oct . 4-Mom...they were in Hawaii on the actual days.) Large family (14 of the 19 of us) meal in the Raging River Restaurant after swimming the afternoon away. All comped. Which was really cool.
6. My dad may be playing in a poker tournament tonight. I wish I didn't have to work so I could watch that. My dad is not as lucky as my mom. He's also usually very conservative in his bets. He just loves cards and is generally quite good at games. It would be neat to watch him because he does have a fabulous poker face.
7. I'm still on about a billion committees at work but I'm keeping it all in perspective.
8. We now have yoga on site (after work) on certain days. I've managed to make one of the sessions and am looking forward to the next one. I've always loved stretching and am naturally (supremely) flexible so I'm thrilled to be able to do it in a more structured way that covers all the muscle groups.
9. I am celebrating the eighth anniversary of knowing two of my best friends. Shawn Carrington and I were in It's a Scream in 1997 and now he'll be my neighbor. So many more chances to talk and share. We've changed a lot in the last eight years but we've grown together instead of apart. Another one of my best friends was also in that show. Jeanine Michael Rosensteel and I had met before and even worked together before (in California Suite at the Senior Center) and clicked immediately. However, this month marks the beginning of our "best-friendship" as well. I have talked to her nearly every day since that show opened. SO HERE'S TO MAKING FRIENDS THAT LAST!!!! Time really is relative. Sometimes it feels like the three of us just did that show and other times it feels like we've known each other forever not just eight years.
This is Jeanine (on the right) with a mutual friend, Debbie Robinson, who lives in L.A.

10. My brother has never played my brother in a play. He has been my husband, a stranger, an object of lust and my nephew; twice. Onstage my brothers are played by Josephs. Joe Smith has been my brother (Linus in Peanuts; A Holiday Celebration) and Joe Toon is my current onstage brother. I feel like that character, Larry, in the Newhart show. You know, "Hi, I'm Larry. This is my brother, Darryl, and this is my other brother, Darryl." I've started calling whichever one I see my "other brother, Joe."
11. My bio was incorrectly copied by the person who created our programs. I don't even want to write about the errors that occurred. They made me gag.
This is the actual script I typed.
Christina Chavez Nelson (Gillian Holroyd) is a teacher and a tia. She has been acting for paying audiences since she was twelve. Christina was most recently seen in Rising Phoenix Theatre’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile and the Delta productions of How I Learned to Drive and Lysistrata. She is thrilled to work with everyone in the cast again; especially with one of her best friends, Shawn, as a director. She would like to thank her favorite Jason (Preston) for telling her, “...that women have the power” and making her believe it!Well, that's pretty much it.
Oh, no it isn't.
12. I've been talking and texting regularly with a male friend who use to just be an acquaintance. Things are changing but I don't know how seriously. We're both really busy and romance is pretty much the last thing on our minds but it might head that way. There are definite signs that it could happen. I think, that for now, we're both happy with a deepening friendship. I'll keep you posted.
Even though you are busy, it sounds like things are going pretty well. Glad you are back!
Thanks Annie.
When I grow up I wanna be a waterbed!
Oh! I can't read this at the moment. Gotta bring the dog for his shots. Will be back later to read. I'm so glad you're back!
Hey! You've talked to me everyday too and I don't rate a mention? WAIT! Nevermind, I know what you could have written about me....disregard...forget I said anything. I am very glad to see you posting again! VOTE NO VOTE NO JUST VOTE NO! by the way my word verification was: zmpoztd, any thoughts?
Sonja~Do you want to be a mild, hot or fire waterbed?
Wendy~ I know how you feel. I always like to take (or at least have extra) time when reading your posts.
Shanda~I can never post what we talk about! ;-0 And as for that code....definitely not a sexual enhancement.
Depends on how I'm going to be consumed. :)
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