Don Quixote and Anniversaries

In honor of my mom saying yes to marrying my dad, 41 years ago today, I am posting this Don Quixote by Pablo Picasso. They love the story of Don Quixote and have a copy of this print in the office. They also have a statue of Don Quixote with arms outspread in joy that was hand carved in Spain. They used to put the mail for any of us who had moved out of the main house on the statue. We always knew where to go for those things that never got forwarded. Sometimes when they were going out of town and wanted us to have something (think check or gift) special they would say, "Check Don Quixote." So to me he is a great symbol of hope....and I love the story too.
So Happy Anniversary of agreeing to wed, Mom & Dad! I love you...thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!
For others: Yes, they may actually read this some day. I recently gave my mom my blogadress. It was to let her and my father know that YES I am writing again. (They've been convinced since I was seven that I was going to be a published writer.) I even showed her how to put it in her favorites. The trouble is that she's so busy that I doubt she'll ever read it. Also, I bet she'll need my help to remember how to retrieve it. It helps to be more computer literate then she is. Evil giggle. Of course, most seven year olds are more computer literate than my mom but she's so cute when she figures something out on the computer that you can't help but smile.
My parents moved their real estate office to the current site a year ago and we had a big luncheon celebration. So happy anniversary in your not so new digs anymore, too. Thanks for letting me help out and meet all your favorite Old Republic Title company people and Countrywide lenders. It was nice to be included, even though I'm not a staff member.
Your parents are so awesome. Congratulations to them on their storybook relationship. My mom is the same way with the computer. You are more patient with it than I am though :-)
Congrats to your parents! It's not often that people stay together anymore. My parents will be together 41 years next week. Hard to believe. My mom jokes and says it feels like 410 years (she says to add the zero) ... but they'd be lost without each other. My husband's parents have also been together that long as well -- after only 6 weeks of dating! Karl and I dated only 8 weeks when he proposed to me nearly 12 years ago. We were afraid to tell our folks because it was so soon, THAT is when we found out his parents had only a 6 week courtship. Karl and I said "I do" at the 6 month mark. My grands have been married about 64 years now! I hope we make it that long!! Ain't love grand?
OH! And Cjristina, I want to work up the nerve to tell SOMEBODY in my family about my blog. No one knows about it. But, I'm afraid to because of what I may write. What's your take on that? I suppose I could go delete the parts I don't wish them to see ... they've gone by (the posts) and since I got them out, they really mean nothing to me anymore. Should I delete those posts and give out my blog? Even a best friend doesn't know about it. Not sure why I've kept this private. ???
My beloved husband knows about it but writing anything personal concerning him is off-limits. Which I understand-sometimes it is best NOT to have someone else tell you what your wife wrote about you in her blog. :)
Wendy, I wouldn't tell them yet if I were you. I have this theory if the question (any 50/50 question) has to be asked then the answer is no. You're obviously not a poin where you could feel comfortable with sharing it. It has been hard for me the last six weeks or so because I've either edited things that I really wanted to write about or censored myself to the point that I didn't write it all. Not because of my parents....because of friends that read the blogs. All of a sudden I couldn't be nearly as open as I was before and it's constraining. Your blog has been so freeing for you that I would just wait until later. Then see how you feel about sharing....especially with a best friend.
Sonja~I can understand how certain personal things should be offlimits when it is a space that can viewed by anyone. It's just a shame that we can't be nearly as open with our family and friends as perhaps we should....lot less to get stressed about, if we could.
This is an absolutely wonderful entry. Don Quixote, to me, is the symbol of a person who is determined to live his live they way he wants to live it no matter what it thought of him. Each time I re-read it, I look for proof that he is not crazy, but fully aware of his adventures.
Not that this is a big honor, but I am going to put a link to your blog on mine. I love your writing.
Ahhh. Thank you. I'm SO glad I waited for your response before just telling people. You are so right, as right now, I don't really 'think' about what I write -I mean, I don't worry about someone in particular seeing it. So, again .. thank you from the bottom of my heart for your very wise advise! I sure would be nice to say what is really in our minds though wouldn't it? I have more than a few people in my life that I must carefully choose my words to because they are almost never received in the manner in which they were intended. Thank you!
Apparently, my fingers were going faster than my head ... that should have been "advice" and "It" not "I".
I knew that I could do this one of two ways. Either I could tell him about it (because I knew that he would not be thrilled with the idea) Or I could keep my mouth shut and not tell anyone I knew. I knew it wouldn't be worth any amount of conflict if someone mentioned it in his presence. And this is probably already saying more than he would approve of-he's just a very private person. Whereas I will tell anyone just about anything if they ask. :)
Cjristina, I need more information about whats going on with you...why haven't you posted??? Its as if you went back to work or something! PSHAW! :-) Luv ya lots
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